Scientists Have to Make World's First Human-Pig!
More recently scientists have created human-pig hybrid world first. In a groundbreaking study, they enter human organs in animals.
they named their research with the name "chimera" which in Greek mythology means of cross-species animals. Manufacture of pig-human embryo they create at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, United States.
Pig-human embryo was the first hybrid that is made using two big species distant relation.
"The ultimate goal is to regenerate functional tissue and organ transplantation, but we were far from it," said Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, who led the research project. "This is an important first step," he said, as quoted by Russia Today, Friday (01/27/2017).
In the study, human stem cells injected into the young pig embryos, which are then placed in surrogate cows. Of the more than 2,000 embryos, only 186 turned into a chimera-mostly intangible pigs with human elements 1 in 10,000 cells.
After 28 days of a 112 day gestation pig, pig-human fetus is taken. The scientists claim their research did not raise concerns about the ethics regarding animal chimeric or chimera.
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