Best Time To Naps! This Time Will Make You Have "Good Brain or Bad Brain"!
Do not be too long and too fast.
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When the body is getting tired, the body needs to rest after a tired working from morning. one is to take a nap. By napping then we can continue the work with a fresh mind.
Based the latest studies indicate that adults should nap in order to be refreshed mind and the mind is quiet.
The study findings were published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. There are nearly 3,000 participants from China, which surveyed about their habits nap time. Likewise, the data on their cognitive function.
Quoted from, according to the study, those who slept for an hour or less after lunch showed that they have a better cognition. The results are in contrast to those who did not nap and nap more than 90 minutes or less than 30 minutes.
This study shows that napping an hour can optimize cognition in adults, especially older ones. This images is showing you the best time to naps.
Napping and Brain Health
The study mentioned above is not the first to prove that napping has positive effects on mental health and well-being even. Earlier research has shown that, nap can help improve cognitive performance.
In addition, he is testament to the benefits of napping:
1. Improve Memory
One study showed that those who regularly take a nap have a better performance, as evidenced by doing tests of cognitive and memory level.
2. Low Blood Pressure
According to a study, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, found that taking a nap can reduce mortality from coronary disease by up to 37 percent. This could be due to lower cardiovascular stress, which is usually associated with sleep during the day.
3. Emotions More Calm
A study conducted by the University of Berkeley shows that, take a nap for an hour can make you calm. The participants in this particular study shows an image in which the face expressing fear, happiness and anger.
Well, do not waste your life yes. Naps regularly turns out to be useful. cheer :)